GPS HIKES & MAPS: Trip Search Products Using GPS

Friday, May 18, 2007

Another Week, More Miles

Word has come in from Team 4; they finished up last night and are taking today to enjoy some much deserved R&R. Lisa, team leader Dean's wife, chatted with him today:

"They finished last night around midnight by putting in a 20 mile day. He was very upbeat and said it was an incredible trip. It stormed every night and one night it was below freezing. They got stuck out on the plains in a hail storm huddling together in a tent for about 45 minutes until the hail stopped. Stated his team 'ROCKS' and everyone worked wonderfully together--a great group of people."

And from team member Greg White's wife, Courtney:

"He said that he had a blast. He said that they got a picture of a tornado and that they also ran into a Pygmy Rattlesnake. They had just checked into the motel and were going to get some much needed rest. After they wake up, they plan on doing some sight seeing."

Nothing like an online, interactive map of the King of Trails PLUS tornado pictures! We're glad to hear everyone had such a great time despite the acts of God. Thanks to the team for their hard work; more from them to come as they return home.

Team 2 is also safely off the lava flows, where the going was tough. Hats off to team members Doug and Bob for their efforts, and a special thanks to team leader David Morganwalp for working out logistics at the front end. The trail runs through tough country, and every mile covered by volunteers is greatly appreciated. The final resource, available to hikers, land managers and trail advocates as a planning tool, will be well worth the effort.


Anonymous said...

I was notified last week that I was selected for one of the teams doing a section in Montana in August.

Now, as I prepare for this adventure, I called my favorite place to get maps: A very nice young lady named "Paige" helped me with the needed maps.

She wanted everyone who is involved with the project to know that all the folks at MYTOPO.COM are very excited about the whole quest and they would supply maps for this project at a "Reduced" Price.

I have used their maps many times and know they are of excellent quality. Any desired size can be obtained with Lon/Lat ticks or UTM grids and they are waterproof.

I thought I would pass on this information for all those in the planning stages like myself.

p.s. Before someone can take advantage of the reduced price they need to be involved in some way with the CDT Project.


Ray Murray

michelle said...

Hats off to Team Thrilla in the Gila!!!


steve r said...

first off congrats to all the teams!

ray. what are your hiking dates? i am also on a august MT team


Scott G. said...

Ah ha! You guys are touching base faster than I can swap contact info. I'll be doing my best to put teams in touch ASAP so you all can start planning. Also, to all of you that haven't heard word, teams are pretty well set, although a reserve trickle is still being contacted.

We will get word out to everyone VERY soon one way or another--the final e-mail has actually left the map office (from which the project is being coordinated), so it is officially out of our hands and on its way.

Swargo said...

Hey guys-
Any of you hiking the 13th-17th of August? (outside of Helena, MT?) Because if you are you are on MY team!

Go Team 48!

steve r said...

those are my dates, but i will be on another segment. badger pass to marias pass just outside of glacier NP

steve r