GPS HIKES & MAPS: Trip Search Products Using GPS

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

GPS Units in Action

Several applicants have chosen to use the essay portion of the entry form to spin a yarn or two (all applicable to mapping, of course). These are always entertaining, and do help in passing those long hours spent hunched over entry forms. A solid example comes from Allen B., a Navy test pilot who got in the habit of strapping a Garmin GPS unit to his F-14's instrument panel with two rubber bands. The potential hazard here? Allen sums it up best:

On my first cruise, a RIO (the backseater in an F-14: Goose) forgot to put away his Gamin handheld before landing aboard the carrier. As they trapped, the unit flew forward and hit the pilot's ejection seat actuator, ejecting the pilot through the canopy. So the jet is at full power on deck, being held back by nothing but the tailhook, flight deck personnel all around, and nobody at the be continued somewhere on the CDT.

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