GPS HIKES & MAPS: Trip Search Products Using GPS

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Applicant Pool

While we're busy working out the logistical details of a project that runs some 3,100 miles, applications continue to come in, and we continue to plow through them. All of your online essays, letters, photos, slide shows and postcards are getting personal treatment, with innovative entry ideas popping up every day.

One intrepid Minnesota-based journalist, for example, used every space available to work in a pitch. The result is a bang-up column, I'd say.

See it online here.


Leon Nelson said...

Surely you have numerous outstanding examples of creativity that have been used by the CDT map project applicants while completing the forms they've submitted to you. Is there a chance some of the better examples of wordsmithing would make for a good read on the pages of BACKPACKER? Hope so! Leon Nelson, Redding, CA

Scott G. said...

If not BACKPACKER, this blog for sure. There are plenty of good ones, too. One harrowing tale involving a flight deck, a GPS unit, and an ejection seat comes to mind...

Leon Nelson said...

Hi, Jon and Scott...

Let's apply some Simple Math to BACKPACKER's "CDT Map Project" Applicant Pool, taken from Scott's excellent update, "Want to Make Hiking History":

These are the facts...

"...2,386 applicants and counting!"

"...more than any other BACKPACKER contest to date."

"...we'll pick about 200 applicants to join BACKPACKER editors and CDTA volunteers for a week of hiking and mapping."

SIMPLE MATH: 2,386 CDT Map Project applicants - 200 CDT Map Project volunteers = 2,186 mighty disappointed BACKPACKER readers!

How about a poll of BACKPACKER readers and bloggers to search - pun intended - for ways to mollify these sad folks? Surely there's something "out there" that would benefit from their willingness to help BACKPACKER!

For starters, I'd like to propose that BACKPACKER have an Annual Project, much akin to the CDT one, and that all the 2007 applicants who aren't chosen as volunteers/participants be allowed - if interested - to have their names remain in contention for BACKPACKER's 2008 extravaganza!

Glad to help! Leon Nelson, Redding, CA

Scott G. said...

Good math...we came to the same realization early on. I think all were shocked a few weeks in when we had 1,700 applicants eager to hit the trail. The first thought was: what of the 1,500? Since then we've been tweaking ideas, but I know all involved (CDTA, BACKPACKER, Trimble) are ready to show all applicants how thankful we are for their interest and support. More on that later...