GPS HIKES & MAPS: Trip Search Products Using GPS

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Massive Closure

Yesterday the Ahorn Fire dealt another blow to the project: due to fire danger the Forest Service had to make the call to close 447,000 acres of the Flathead and Lewis & Clark National Forests. The closure mainly affects the Bob Marshall Wilderness, although access to the area is now pretty spotty for some of our teams. Those that are affected are:

Team 49

(Hwy 200) to Benchmark Campground

The Continental Dream Team (Team 50a)
Benchmark Campground to South Fork Teton trailhead (via Gates Park)

Team 50b
South Fork Teton TH to Badger Pass (trailhead at Swift Reservoir)

Team 50c
Badger Pass (trailhead at Swift Reservoir) to Marias Pass

We're currently working with team members and others familiar with CDT routes to find other options for these teams. As far as we're concerned, project volunteers will be able to get out there and hike come hell, high water, or wildland fire. You can read more details on that closure at InciWeb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We really appreciate Kris, Scott and the BACKPACKER staff working with us to find alternatives in light of these two massive wildfires. Thanks for your encouragement!